Chancellor Philip Hammond’s announcement has been dubbed as the biggest ever cash injection for England’s major roads in the 2018 Budget. An emphasis has been placed on tackling congestion which is expected to save motorists thousands annually.
National Roads Fund:
Firstly, the National Roads Fund upgrade plan will entail a £28.8 billion investment to upgrade and improve UK roads. The investment fund will run from 2020 to 2025, forming a major part of the Roads Investment Strategy 2.
Local roads will also benefit as the government announce that £3.5 billion of “new money” to upgrade local roads.
Tackling congestion:
A commitment of £150 million is being introduced to ease congestions and reduce traffic. The intention is to improve problematic road junctions and congestion hotspots, benefitting all road users, not just motorists, to reduce journey times and improve road safety
Pothole repairs fund:
£420 million has been made available to fix pot holes around the country. Critics say that this budget won’t stretch very far and that more is required.
Fuel Duty remains frozen:
Prime Minister Theresa May previously announced it at the Conservative party conference; Fuel Duty remains frozen for a 9th consecutive year. The chancellor added that it will save motorists £800 million in the first year alone.
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